Project ID: 2020-1.2.4-TÉT-IPARI-TR
Projekt leader: Dr. Daniel Rohacs
Consotrium partners:
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Eskisehir Technical University
- Mould Tech Kft.
- ESRI Turkiye
Granted support:
67 027 574 HUF
Start of the project:
Close of the project:
Summary of the project:
The project’s goal is to develop new technologies, tools, and methodologies in the field of UAS based remote sensing and GIS based data integration with the aim of introducing the Unmanned Surface Object Assessment on Roads as a novel service in the future. The envisioned novel service is aimed at notifying drivers and assist future self-driving vehicles to avoid road obstacles, especially in rural areas, significantly increasing travellers’ safety. These fields of technologies are regarded as cutting edge technologies, generating significant current research activity and results.
In order to enable this service, the project develops methodologies for business model, flight hardware, sensors and UAV operations development. A set of supporting systems, for road surface assessment, conflict management and automated docking systems will also be evaluated and further developed. The collected road surface safety information data will be integrated into a GIS based proof of concept system, to be shared with the population, local authorities and other stakeholders. In the envisioned service, the population will be able to seamlessly use the service in the form of phone applications or cell-based notification.
The management of the project is delivered at two levels. There is a dedicated work package for managing the project and a project management team is assembled from the consortium partners. The team is responsible for the administrative, financial, risk, quality, technical, project coordination and dissemination management activities. The second level of management is implemented at the Work Packages level. Each WP is allocated a leading partner from the consortium, selected based on the most expertise regarding the given WP. The leader looks after the delivery of Tasks and the WP in general. When matters arise that affect the wider project, the leaders escalate the issue to the project level management, where it will be dealt with. Meetings will be conducted primarily on-line, especially during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, since it would be difficult to travel between countries and also for the cost, time, and environmental benefits.
The consortium for this project is made up from academic and industrial partners from both Turkey and Hungary. The project team was assembled to provide a diverse, but complementary set of skills and experience. The cooperation enables the development of a service considering a wider range of regional and societal diversity, broadening the area benefiting from the positive impact of the research and also solving more specific challenges applicable to only one region. In both Turkey and Hungary, there are different regional and climatic specifics, for example a greater frequency of landslides in Turkey and higher likelihood and severity of floods in Hungary. This diversity is greatly beneficial towards extending the service to an international market. The collaboration also benefits and sets a solid basis for cooperative industrial and academic projects between the countries. The technologies developed in this project will be further investigated and developed as a collaboration.
The proposed project provides significant impact at multiple levels. Developing a successful business has a beneficial impact on the business providers, and through taxing the wider society. However, there are farther, more important impacts than simple localised economic growth. From a societal, or sometimes expressed as socio-economic, point of view, improving road safety conditions and the reduction of single vehicle accident rates has definite positive impact; the reduction of lives lost as a societal bonus and reduction of lost production and reduced hospital and repair costs as an economic benefit. Reducing accidents also reduce the environmental footprint. The second significant is also socio-economic in nature. Developing business and technological methodologies that enable the introduction of UAS related services assist with the rapid introduction of this new category of services. Through this more people, especially young, educated people with technology skills can be integrated as a productive part of society, and both the services and UAV related supporting industries will provide significant economic benefits through raising GDP and further job creations.